This character and I share a lot in common. We both love to bake, have similar personalities and very similar familiar situations. Although she's a bit more naive and oblivious than I'd like to think myself to be.
This is a great series, if you've seen the movie, ignore your opinion on it and try the books! They're so much better in a million different ways.

I know I've mentioned this book already, but I just love it so much. Also it's not technically breaking my decision not to recommend books more than once on this challenge because I'm not recommending the book! I'm saying I relate to the main character. A lot of her thoughts, and just the way she shows how she feels are very similar to me. She's a very relatable main character. Ahha sorry that was repetitive but I'm trying not to go too deep in depth into my psych.

Again, yes, this book has been mentioned before. I'm talking about the main character now. I related a lot to Macy Lea in the way that she deals with things, both in the present and the past.