Okay, I know if any of you are friends with me on Goodreads you might be disappointed with because I read the last two books in the White Rabbit Chronicles (Gena Showalter) before these and have yet to review them. But I just finished Things I Can't Forget and Racing Savannah Today! I have the memories of them fresh in my head! (Yes, I started and finished both Things I Can't Forget and Racing Savannah TODAY while going to school and hanging out with friends after school (and not reading) I'm pretty proud) (p.s. sorry that I'm bragging a tiny bit but I started and finished Stealing Parker yesterday and finished Through the Zombie Glass and Queen of Zombie Hearts in less than a day)
Out of all of the Hundred Oaks books that I've read, Catching Jordan would definitely be my favorite. But Stealing Parker is very close in second. I honestly didn't think I'd like Stealing Parker even remotely as much as I did Catching Jordan but, nope! It was just as amazing, in fact, it'd be right up next to Catching Jordan except for the religious aspect of the book, but more on that later. Next on my list of favorites so far comes Racing Savannah, the story and characters were great, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the first two books-even though it still has a close rating I preferred the first two books' characters much more- and it definitely pulled ahead of Things I Can't Forget. To be honest I never even wanted to get that one anyway, the synopsis didn't sound interesting but I did get it because I knew it was a series and didn't want to get spoiled on anything.
My main problem with Things I Can't Forget was the protagonist. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't connect with Kate in the way I could with all of Miranda's other protagonists. Especially because of her strong religious beliefs. You see, Kate's Christian and she's SUPER into all the beliefs and follows the rules and is uber judgmental on anyone who steps their pinky toe out of line. Sure, I judge people, everyone does, but Kate like judged people overly so. If I knew Kate Kelly I probably would've punched her in the face by now. She kinda reminded me of Mary Anne Bryant from Easy A. Also Matt. He was my least favorite of the Miranda's boys. Just not my cup of tea, I guess.
BEFORE I FORGET These books are romantic ,humorous and will have you squealing in delight, laughing out loud and feeling second hand embarrassment throughout the whole thing. It's great.
My rating for Stealing Parker is an 8.7/10 yeah, a whole tenth away from Catching Jordan. That's how amazing it was. Sure, I wasn't crazy that she was Christian but it fit well into the story line. She also wasn't crazily Christian.
Okay I'M SORRY to Christians reading this. I respect your religion and don't have a problem with it, I'm just not Christian, so please don't hate me. We can all be friends :)
I didn't exactly get why, from the synopsis, Parker was 'hooking up' (not HOOKING UP but hooking up) with so many boys, but as soon as I started, I got it. Parker's mom is lesbian and the people at her church (most of them) like judged her very meanly and harshly about, her ex best friend even said she might be lesbian. So Parker was determined to prove them wrong. The character growth in all of Miranda's books is downright impressive, I love it.
I was expecting a curveball (haha see what I did there) when reading this book because of the complete 360 turn Catching Jordan had. But I won't tell you whether or not it has one because not all of Miranda's books do have 360's so you'll just have to read them to figure out which do and don't.
Parker is a great character. Even though I haven't been an outcast in my church or am good at softball or even kissed a boy I got her. I was able to easily connect to her feelings and understand where this girl was coming from. (Also I'm feeling the need to say my mom didn't run off with another woman and is still living with me, my sister and my dad) She thinks realistically, and her feelings of confusion, passion and everything else just felt (I'm going to say this word way too much) so scarily realistic. Same with Jordan. I loved the ride Parker went on in this story and was glad that I read it. Seriously, you won't regret reading this book. Okay, you might, but hopefully you won't because I love it.
Brian Hoffman was a cute character. I'm not too into the way older guy in a story, but Brian was sweet. He did have his slightly (okay not so slightly) annoying moments but so do all characters. Like I was annoyed with almost all the characters in this book for a bit. I get annoyed easily.
Drew Bates, I think I remember him from Catching Jordan. He was on the football team, I think, but not one of the mains those were JJ, Sam, Carter and Ty (besides Jordan, of course.) He's a sweet character and I loved that he was Parker's best friend. I always love a boy/girl best friendship. One of the many reasons I love Sam and Jordan. (calling him Sam took some time get used to)
I was a little disappointed in the lack of Sam and Jordan in this book. Like sure, they're both mentioned a few times but I wish there was more of them. I get it, it's Parker's Story, we already got a nice full book on them but I NEED MORE. I know they're big characters in Jesse's Girl but I just want more of Sam and Jordan... okay? I always love when you hear other peoples' stories that we're already connected to from another person's perspective and what they think about it. Unfortunately the events of Catching Jordan weren't really mentioned. At all.
Will Whitfield aka Corndog is adorable. Blue eyes? I can deal with this boy. He's smart, sporty and sweet WHERE CAN I GET ME ONE OF THESE? And with a southern accent? Yes, please. Also GUYS HIS NAME IS WILL. I LOVE MY WILLS (TID?) He's (I keep typing Jordan lol) Parker's biggest competition for valedictorian, well, he was.
I have two more books to go, lol this is going to be a long review. (I've decided against spoilers because THEN how long would it be? Why did I decide to put these three in one again?)
Red-hot author Miranda Kenneally hits one out of the park in this return to Catching Jordan's Hundred Oaks High.
Parker Shelton pretty much has the perfect life. She’s on her way to becoming valedictorian at Hundred Oaks High, she’s made the all-star softball team, and she has plenty of friends. Then her mother’s scandal rocks their small town and suddenly no one will talk to her.
Now Parker wants a new life.
So she quits softball. Drops twenty pounds. And she figures why kiss one guy when she can kiss three? Or four. Why limit herself to high school boys when the majorly cute new baseball coach seems especially flirty?
But how far is too far before she loses herself completely?
Ugh. I did enjoy the story line and I get that Kate was supposed to be really judgy and annoying but I'm sorry, she was just over the top judgy and annoying. This shows that Parker's a better person than me because she forgave Kate. Tiny bit resentful towards this book because there was a lot of Parker and Will. A lot more than Jordan and Sam were in Stealing Parker and those two were nonexistent in this book. There are separate groups, I know, I know, I just think.... I NEED MORE OF MY BABIES. Like I mentioned before, I wasn't too into Matt. And I felt bad for how realistically suckish some people's lives were (Emily) and how realistically sucky some people were (Meagan, I really wanted to hit that woman as many times as I wanted to hit Kate) I thought I'd have like, a whirlwind of comments towards this book, but now I realize I don't really, they're all pretty much about the same thing. I don't agree with many of the designs Kate made, especially with Matt, but with everyone else, too, and I just didn't like Kate very much. Sorry if you did, but she drove me up the wall. Oh, yeah, and the story wasn't quite as compelling and interesting as the others.
Kate has always been the good girl. Too good, according to some people at school—although they have no idea the guilty secret she carries. But this summer, everything is different...
This summer she’s a counselor at Cumberland Creek summer camp, and she wants to put the past behind her. This summer Matt is back as a counselor too. He’s the first guy she ever kissed, and he’s gone from a geeky songwriter who loved The Hardy Boys to a buff lifeguard who loves to flirt - with her.
Kate used to think the world was black and white, right and wrong. Turns out, life isn’t that easy...
I didn't like Savannah and Jack quite as much as Jordan, Sam, Parker and Will. But I can connect with Savannah, especially her fiery determined passion. I do like the richer-poorer relationships in romance, I think it adds a great angle to work off of and I think Miranda could've used that more but the way she wrote it was great. This book broke my heart in the way that my favorites (J, S, P and W) are freaking grown up now. I mean, WILL AND PARKER GOT MARRIED! AHHH! I just read Stealing Parker a day ago. I'm not ready for them to be getting married! Oh wait, was that a spoiler for the book? Not really it didn't have anything much to do with the plot line, I was simply explaining that this is much later in the future than I expected when diving into the story. Sorry if you thought that was a spoiler.
I loved Savannah's love of horses, it was passionate and she's good with them, which is amazing. Oh, Vanessa was in this book. AKA Ty's baby sis. Dang, she's a senior.
I liked that our previous characters showed up a little in this book, even Carter, but I wished they had more time.... The Taco Bell thing with Sam and Carter was hilarious, you'll get it when you read it. You see I kept a whole page of notes on this book, but I just don't have the time or energy to write it right now and seriously? This review is long enough already.
I liked Mr. Goodwin and his love of hotdogs and I liked how he treated his servants. He'd be a good employer to have. This book, in a way, reminded me a little of the Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. Probably the whole rich boy thing along with the dad and stuff, they did have a little of the same feeling about each other.
They’re from two different worlds.
He lives in the estate house, and she spends most of her time in the stables helping her father train horses. In fact, Savannah has always been much more comfortable around horses than boys. Especially boys like Jack Goodwin—cocky, popular and completely out of her league. She knows the rules: no mixing between the staff and the Goodwin family. But Jack has no such boundaries.
With her dream of becoming a horse jockey, Savannah isn’t exactly one to follow the rules either. She’s not going to let someone tell her a girl isn’t tough enough to race. Sure, it’s dangerous. Then again, so is dating Jack…
Thanks for reading this absurdly long review! Love you guys and thanks so much for actually reading my reviews :)