Then there's Elias, the other narrator of this book. Elias is strong and has been raised to be a warrior. I liked that about him. He's one of the best in his class but he hates the way of the empire. So he's planning an escape. I didn't really get too attached to Elias either. I don't know, I think it's just the way both Laia and Elias narrated irked me somehow and I just couldn't relate for some reason. Also, I couldn't get a real good image of any of the characters in my head. I'm not sure why, maybe it was the way they were described or maybe it was just because some of them had SILVER FACES. Urg.
There are other characters such as Izzy, Marcus, Helene and Zak (poor Zak, I really felt for that guy). Izzy was cute and sweet, but I still didn't feel a particular attachment to her. I have an attachment to Marcus. An attachment of hatred. Sabaa really knows how to make me hate a character. Where a lot of the characters I feel indifferent to, I can't help but loathe Marcus. He does a lot of disgusting things, especially towards the girls in the story, (which I Really did not like) but the thing that made me hate him most was something he did during one of the trials. I think it was the second to last trial. You'll probably know what I'm talking about when you read it /if you've read it. That pissed me off. Then there was Helene. I liked her character. She follows orders (which was annoying at times, not much of a rebel) and feels rather passionate about Elias. Elias, of course, is unaware. I liked Helene because she could kick some ass without the help of Elias *cough* *cough* Laia. She also almost always did what she thought was right, even if it was wrong. Helene was one of my more favored characters in this story.
Anyway that's really all I have to say about this story. Thanks for reading my review! Do you agree with me? Feel free to make any comments you want.