Okay, so if you don't like any of those categories, it doesn't really matter, if you like only one, (besides romance) I think you'll really like the book. If someone had told me pre-Angelfall that some people consider it a horror book I probably wouldn't have read it. I hate horror movies and books, but this book isn't really a horror book so to speak, it just has a very dark plot. Now if you don't like books with a dark plot, I wouldn't recommend this series. But if you like a lot of the same books I do (rating 7 and up) then yeah, you have to read this series because it's spectacular. I can't wait for the last book, End of Days, to come out. As soon as I read the first chapter of the Angelfall I was sucked into the world and the characters.
I'll admit that I avoided this book for a while and I've considered buying it before then decided not to. I highly regret those choices. This book is so great, I wish I'd joined the fandom for it sooner. Seriously, you're missing out if you don't even give Angelfall a chance.
I love the writing style and I love the chemistry between the characters. Penryn (weird name, I know, you'll get used to it, especially because it's such a good book with a good plot) is a great protagonist and I haven't been seriously annoyed at her yet, I just get a lot of second hand embarrassment for her. The relationships in the book feel very real, along with the characters.
I love Penryn and Raffe's relationship. It's funny because pre reading Angelfall I was like wow, I don't really like the name Raffe (no offense any Raffes) I with his name was Raphael. His name actually is Raphael, Raffe is just like a nick name or something. Anyway, Penryn and Raffe have one of the most entertaining relationships I've read in a while. Their back and forth witty banter is so much fun to read. There are so many moments in the book where I found my self laughing out loud hysterically, a lot of those times were because of their conversation, but a few of them were because of just what Penryn thinks and what she does. She's a great protagonist (I said that already, didn't I?)
I think that Penryn and Paige's relationship is very cute, she's a good protective older sister, and I wish I had an older sister like her.
A lot of people like Penryn's mom and thinks she's an interesting character, I don't. I just kinda think her mom is psychotic. Though I do think the devil thing will come into play sometime.
I sort of forget how much I love these books until I actually read them again. Then you get sucked right back into the world and gosh, it's dark and amazing.
(Who says gosh anymore, gosh, Anji)
I don't tink I have any major complaints about these books except 1. MAKE THEM LONGER I NEED MORE OF PENRYN AND RAFFE and 2. THEY DON'T COME IN HARDCOVER
I seriously think Susan could write a book of just Penryn and Raffe talking to each other and it would get a 4.5 stars on goodreads. That's how enjoyable their relationship is.
I'm giving both Angelfall and World After 9/10 stars. I LOVED THEM SO MUCH I probably would've given them 10 stars... but I've read Cassie's books and sorry Susan but I like The Darkest Minds, The Lux Series and The Shadowhunter Chronicles more than Angelfall. But Angelfall certainly is my top favorites of 2014. I didn't take any notes on Angelfall so I'm just going to go straight to World After spoilers. Oh wait, I didn't give a synopsis or anything. Whoops.
This story's protagonist's name is Penryn Young. She's seventeen and has, so far, survived the apocalypse. The angel apocalypse. She, her mother and her younger sister Paige are constantly moving around, looking for a safe place to stay for a few nights and hoping not to be attacked by the gangs or worse, angels.
One night when the trio are on the move, they come across an angel fight. It's five against one, and though the one is putting up a good fight, the five are overcoming him. When the angels see Paige, Penryn and her mother, Penryn picks up the angel's fallen sword and throws it to him as a distraction so that her and her family can get away to safety. Unfortunately, that's not how it works out. The one angel ends up getting his wings cut off and as punishment for throwing the sword, one of the angel's takes Paige.
Penryn will do anything to save her sister, even if it means working with the enemy. As in, the angel who just got his wings severed off, who's name is Raffe. After taking, or attempting to take Raffe captive, Paige finds out that the angels most likely took her sister to the aerie. That's also where Raffe has his best chance of getting his wings back. Together, Paige and Raffe traverse across the country. And.... I'm horrible at synopsis es lol, here's the real one:
It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.
Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.
Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.
Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels' stronghold in San Francisco where she'll risk everything to rescue her sister and he'll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.
As mentioned about three hundred million times before, this book was a great read, with great characters, witty conversations and a whole lot of action. I highly recommend it to you all, and if you don't read it. You're missing out.
NOW for the spoilers.
*Screams* THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING. I honestly couldn't tell you which book I liked better, Angelfall or World After. Obviously, I have high expectations for The End of Days.
I loved the scenes that Pooky Bear showed Penryn. Especially the one where she showed Penryn her and Raffe's meeting scene more from Raffe's perspective. That got so many feels out of me. And then when he put a strand of her hair around Pooky Bear's hilt. asilKDNVJS I CAN'T EVEN
Oh yeah, and we all knew that Raffe held Penryn in her sleep in the first book, but from his perspective it gave so many more feels.
I did miss Raffe a lot in this book. Especially since we don't actually see him until like the end. I got really excited when they were at the docking area and he was fighting Beliel, I felt for sure they would reunite there. Nope. Let's wait like 80 more pages, shall we?
When they revealed that the scorpions were people. That was a very big GASP moment for me. I had no idea how the enables were breeding those, but it never came into my head that they were once human. I love Dee-Dum. If you don't. What is wrong with you? They're the Fred and George of the Apocalypse! Well, if you didn't like Fred and George I guess you wouldn't like them. But if you didn't like Fred and George... why?
Okay, if you say you didn't freak out when Raffe and Penryn see each other, you're lying.
"It really is you." aisdlkvvdsbjvf Just the feels I get from reading that one line.....
That fight was awesome and then when Raffe flies off with Penryn in his arms. *dreamy sigh*
I didn't realize just how much I had missed their chemistry and with comebacks until I was actually reading it again.
When they were talking about Pooky Bear's name... That may have been my second favorite part of the book. Second only to their reunion.
I NEED THE NEXT BOOK. NOW!!!! Seriously, I can't wait to see how Susan ends this series. Will Raffe actually get his wings back? Or will he keep the demon wings? If he kept them, that'd be pretty cool because they're actually pretty awesome weapons and they don't sink him.
What do you think will happen next?