This is the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus Series. I'm sorry for not posting this review sooner but... I didn't want to say goodbye. And I am also lazy. But mostly I didn't want to say goodbye to this fantastic story. You really should read this series, but this is the sequel series to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books so go read those first. Percy Jackson is a fantastic book series, yeah it's middle grade but any age can enjoy the series and you really will if you give it a chance, which I think you should. And DO NOT judge the book off the movies, those two movies were a humiliation to the Percy Jackson name. Don't even get me started on The Mortal Instruments being a TV show. There better be a recast and it better follow the plot line. Or else...
Back to Rick Riordan's books. Both the Heroes of Olympus and Percy Jackson books are a lot of fun to read and if you want a quick funny, exciting read, then these are the books to turn to. I will admit I was a little bit disappointed with Blood of Olympus. I've been waiting like five years for this book and it just didn't feel like an ending, but I'll get to that in the spoiler part of the discussion. I'm giving Blood of Olympus an 8/10 stars, though it was very nearly a 7. This book just had so much potential that Rick didn't use. Namely PERCY JACKSON AND ANNABETH CHASE. I went into this book thinking we'd get at least one of either of their point of views, but do we? NO. Percy, Annabeth, Hazel and Frank are SIDE CHARACTERS in the book. Not main characters, that's Jason, Piper, Leo, Reyna and Nico. Now, I never had a gigantic problem with Jason like the rest of you, but that doesn't mean I want to have fifty million chapters from him over Percy. Like I get that it started with these three and 'should' finish with them. But ACTUALLY it started with Percy Jackson. When he defeated Kronos, yeah yeah, Jason defeated Krios or whoever but did he get a book on it? No. I also really love Reyna and Nico, like the POVS were enjoyable, I just wish there was more Percy Jackson in this book. Nico was my favorite character in the Percy Jackson books, aside from like the main characters of course, but I have always loved Nico so finally seeing from his POV was fun. Piper also had an interesting point of view, like Jason, a lot of people are annoyed by her but I just don't care about her. Before going into this book I said that I'm okay with Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel and Leo dying. Just not Percy or Annabeth. Like seriously, I don't really care that much about the rest of the seven like, I enjoy their separate stories, but Percy and Annabeth are the most important. Now, don't hate on me for this, but I don't see why everyone loves Leo so much. Like I like him, but I don't love him.
My favorite books would probably go like this
House of Hades
Son of Neptune
Mark of Athena
Blood of Olympus
The Lost Hero
The Lost Hero was actually really good, but just compared to the other books it was nothing. I still remember reading that book. When I was in third grade I got really into the Percy Jackson books so once I finished that I got obsessed with Greek Mythology, which I still am today. (Just less.) For Percy Jackson I'd say
The Last Olympian
The Titan's Curse
The Lightning Thief
The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Sea of Monsters
When I was younger I didn't like The Battle of the Labyrinth or Sea of Monsters and even though I like them now, I still enjoy the other books more.
Ugh Octavian was such an annoying butt in this book and I don't like how he 'died with honor' he didn't! He just flew screaming past Leo and blew the frick up. No. At leaf he probably went to the fields of punishment, well, he better have.
"If she told him to war his vegetables he might actually do it."
I loved the line when Percy said "What if we promote, like, Adidas shoes?" I was just cracking up then. Like I said before, I REALLY missed Percy and Annabeth in this book, it was really disappointing that we didn't get either of their POVS and it was spectacularly disappointing that my two favorite characters of the seven were side characters maybe even background characters.
God of Olympus, when Orion was like, oh yeah, all the hunters are dead, I got really worried for them. Surprisingly enough, Phoebe's death depressed me, even though we hardly knew her.
"No merchandising rights!" Ha. I also didn't enjoy watching Jason save Percy under the water, that just really annoyed me, but that was a very Percy move that Jason pulled.
I thought there might be a Reyna Nico relationship for a bit, I mean Nico could be bi, but then I reminded myself that no demi god would heal Reyna's heart. Though, Reyna and Nico do have a pretty cool parabatai - ish relationship.
They all had gelato and.. Frank got an apple. Lol. Frank, buddy, I'm lactose intolerant, too, I just ignore it and get really bad stomach aches ;)
"Don't mention haiku."
"Take the big Canadian dude!"
Reyna, Horse Friend. I get that that was a really big honor and all, but I can't help but crack up every time I try to say that seriously.
So earlier before I started reading this book I looked closely at the cover and saw Jason wearing glasses and had the biggest WTF moment. I thought maybe the artist messed up or something, haha.
Dear Raziel, the battle with the giants was so amazing. When Percy and Annabeth were captured akjdla bf. AND THAT WAS FROM PIPER AND JASON'S POV WTF. Then the fighting with the gods, I loved that, but I wished we had more point of views on that.
I totally ship SolacexNico/WillxNico. Seriously, their relationship was amazing, I don't care what you say. Haters gonna hate, hate, hate....
I think probably my favorite part of fighting with the gods was the fates fighting or Aphrodite and her rose petals.
"But... Kym who?"
(not real script) *scratches back of neck and raises hand in embarrassment* "She's one of mine"
I loved when Reyna is shouting all these epic sounding commands in latin and then Percy goes... "Greeks! Let's um fight stuff!"
Bye bye Octavian, that part literally gave me so much joy.
When Nico said he was staying afuwdhvf; od dear gods that hit me right in the feels, I've always wanted the best for him and this seems to be going into a happy ending for the Son of Hades.
Even though I have no particular love for Jason and Piper, the part when they were under the stars in the end was particularly cute.
"Missile screaming like a little girl." And that was Octavi-ass's last words haha. I guessed Leo got blasted to Calypso's Island right after they said he was dead, Rick's just too nice not to give all his characters happy endings.