So this is one of those spin offs that don't do better than the original. I LIKE this series but I don't love it. Bloodlines and The Golden Lily were pretty boring to be honest, I literally hated Bloodlines. Sydney never really interested me much so really the only reason I started reading this series was for Adrian. All together I would rate this series a 7/10, not my favorite. I never was a big fan of Jill either and seriously even though these books started because of her she's hardly in them after the first book. Like really, if you're going to write a story based off of the fact Jill needs to be protected then at least keep Jill in the story. I lied before I didn't just read this book for Adrian, I read it to see how Lissa, Christian, Rose and the gang was doing.
Here's the synopsis for Bloodlines
Blood doesn't lie...
Sydney is an alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of human and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she's still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far worse. Jill Dragomir - the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir - is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding. To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill's guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the last place anyone would think to look for vampire royalty - a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. But instead of finding safety at Amberwood Prep, Sydney discovers the drama is only just beginning.
Mmm, Bloodlines like I said before was actually really boring, it only starts getting better around Indigo Spell, in my opinion. So if you haven't read this series yet you should read it before you read the spoiler-y section because I do not want to spoiler you, so byeeee.
Actually you could still read this review you probably wouldn't really get it and you'd just be spoiled so there's no point in that.
So my first question in this book was 'is Keith the reason she owes Abe so much?' Oh look, I was right. Turns out Keith raped her older sister and Sydney had Abe stage an attack and take out Keith's eye.
When I first heard about some old guy who didn't like the Moroi government I immediately assumed it was Robert, but nope it was Clarence.
I seriously did only read this to hear about Adrian and the rest of the VA group, I didn't really care at all for Sydney. I was like cheering when Rose came to drop off Jill, yay, we still got to see her.
When Clarence mentioned Vampire Hunters, I knew there had to be some even after Lee was killed, if an author mentions ANYTHING really it's usually foreshadowing.
I think we could all figure out Jill was Shadowkissed from the beginning with the conversation Sydney overheard between Abe and Adrian. And I think we all also figured out that Jill was 'hungover' because Adrian had been drinking.
I loved Adrian's protectiveness over Jill, though I STILL don't know how I feel about Jill (Ugh I just rhymed) I love the protectiveness all the same.
A note I wrote about half way through the book was 'This is so boring I want to hear about Lissa, Rose, Christian and Adrian. And more Adrian.' because really in the first book there actually ISN'T that much of Adrian we get more of him later on in the series. But even though it was boring I think we can all agree that Keith is an arse.
I was very confused about what the tattoos had to do with this story line, like they kept bringing it up and I could tell they were something important but I couldn't figure out what.
It was so funny when Adrian would pick on Keith because he knew he hated Vampires. Like "Enter. If. You. Dare." and "O positive, my favorite." I knew that was a joke immediately because Adrian doesn't like his blood unless it's directly from the vein as said by Rose in the Vampire Academy series.
"I've seen age difference, theirs is nothing." Poor Adrian it was obvious that he was referring to Rose and Dimitri,
Ugh another thing that annoyed me about this book was that Sydney HATED vampires. I know that's part of the point of these books, her getting over her fear of them and such, but when she was like flipping out about Jill playing with the water magic I was just like What the heck is your problem?
Okay so I caught on to Lee pretty fast, but I was half wrong in my theory. I thought that Lee was a Vampire Hunter for some weird reason because he was in LA when Sydney came to save Adrian and when that girl got murdered and I was immediately like LEE!!
Another idea I got was when Eddie froze when he saw Micah I was just like Mason? No joke, that was the first thought that popped into my head and I was also partially right because Micah is a 'dead ringer' for Mason. I wonder if that'll play in in Ruby Circle or if it's just a fact.
Overall the characters just annoyed me in this book, except for Eddie, even Adrian annoyed me sometimes. I was especially annoyed when Jill had a temper tantrum and ran off with Lee.
Keith seemed like a suspicious character to me from the beginning, so when she was in the tattoo shop I was like... hmmm.. what if Keith was the one supplying them and killing off the vampires?
"It takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection. Well, except for my parents, they got it first try." Lol Adrian.
I thought Keith might have raped Sydney and that's why she hated him so much, but I actually don't remember her ever mentioning she had TWO sisters in VA so I thought Zoe was the one who was only good for Make up which is why I was confused at the beginning on why she wanted to go so badly.
I didn't even feel that bad about Lee, I was just ecstatic that I was right about him. When Adrian showed up I was practically cheering but then I remembered that he couldn't really fight I always seem to forget that about Adrian. I never came up with the theory that Lee used to be Strigoi and I'm also curious about who turned him back, will that play in later too?
I was ALMOST cheering when Eddie broke down the door and completely kicked those two strigoi's arses. That was amazing.
Then I was annoyed at Sydney again because she wouldn't even let Adrian freaking heal her when she was hurt.
I was so sad for Eddie when Sydney confronted him about liking Jill and he said he wasn't worthy enough of her :( that just made me sad because he'd been through so much of course he worthy of her!
Then Angeline came in and I was just like wow, I was right, she does play a bigger role just not in the VA series. And then Dimitri walks in and I was like the next book is SO going to have some tension in it.
I would rate this book a 4/10 stars which I think is one of the lowest ratings I've ever given because this book just DID not interest me.
So my first thoughts in this book were, where is Ian? Yeah, I actually remembered him from Last Sacrifice and that he was infatuated with Sydney. It was really obvious from the beginning for me that Angeline liked Eddie, though it took Sydney a little longer to figure it out.
I thought that maybe Trey liked Sydney so there would be a Trey x Sydney x Adrian love triangle nope, he likes Angeline, though, I thought he might like Jill when he was looking at her and like 'I never really noticed her before....'
Ugh and when she's all MAGIC IS SO WRONG IT'S AGAINST THE RULES OF NATURE I was just like Sydney, Shut up, no one cares, just practice your magic like a good little girl.
"Actually I can imagine a lot of guys into you." Adrian can be so sweet.
I thought THERE IS SOMETHING UP WITH BRAYDEN because he was just TOO perfect for Sydney, she said 'it was like he read my mind' and that set off a whole number of alerts in my head but it turns out he was just an extraordinarily boring human. When she showed up to the dance in the dress and basically called her a prostitute I was like Oh hell no. Then after their first date Sydney shook his hand I was just laughing so hard. Think about how awkward that would be.
It was SO obvious that Adrian liked Sydney in this book, he did a lot of stuff for her. 'Adrian would probably cling to Brayden's bumper until he got an introduction' haha just picture Adrian doing that and if that doesn't make you laugh I don't know what will.
"So far I'm no seeing a lot of difference between me and a carnival con man."
So when a human 'recognized' Sonya I was like OMG they have a family member that she probably killed when she was a stigoi and now they're gonna try and kill her, half right there.
Sydney just kept annoying me in this book I was about to yell JUST LEARN THE SPELLS ALREADY and that wouldn't really be good since I'd probably wake up everyone staying in the Lake District.
By the Angel when Jill was like 'Wow Sydney you look SO pretty today." I was cracking up because it was obvious it was Adrian's emotions but Sydney is just like. "Um.. thanks?"
After Sydney's meeting with the two warriors of light I was like wait a minute, is CHRIS a warrior of light, and look I was right. DANG IT THAT RHYMED AGAIN.
Ugh Adrian when Adrian was being a jerk so Sonya when he was protecting Sydney I just wanted to pick something up and throw it at him like SHUT UP.
Is it totally bad that I wanted Trey to win that fight between him and Chris?
It was so funny when they're all fighting and yelling GRAB THE ALCHEMIST GIRL. And Sydney is just watching and then she thinks 'The Alchemist Girl. Right. That would be me.'
Wasn't so cute that Adrian knew how to drive stick but just did that to be around Sydney? But then she was a total jerk to him when he confessed his feelings and I was just sitting there like -_-
I would rate this book a 7/10 stars it definitely improved since the last book.
As soon as I heard that Sydney was going to that wedding I was just like I WANT HER TO MEET LISSA AND CHRISTIAN AND ROSE HERE. I got very excited when she SAW Lissa and Christian but very disappointed when she didn't talk to them. Then Finally Ian shows up in the plot, it's like, dude, it took you long enough.
Okay so the whole thing with Veronica was creepy and when 'she' showed up in Sydney's dream I was like WOAH there back up. Then when Sydney realized she didn't have her cross I was just thinking "Ohhhh, so that's how Veronica found out about her." It was so cute how Adrian gave her a new cross.
Another thing that seemed obvious to me- Angeline cheating on Eddie with Trey like seriously it was really obvious that they were sneaking around together.
Mrs. Terwilliger was all like Oh Veronica would never go after me. But I was just thinking I bet you that she's her main target.
I loved that Sydney finally accepted her magic and started really getting comfortable with the vampires around Palm Springs, IT'S ABOUT TIME.
Then Adrian and Sydney were parents to the Callistana I was just laughing my head off at that. Also HE'S SO CUTE, a mini dragon who eats and sleeps? I WANT ONE.
"You should get him some toys." Lol, Jill.
Then when Hopper wagged his tail my head went all to AWWWWW. Mom, Dad, I want a Callistana for Christmas and one that lasts forever not just for a year.
That dream between Adrian and Sydney got steamy pretty quickly with all the 'I'm a quick study' lol.
So when Alicia had that protection pendent on I was just thinning *GASP* IT WAS VERONICA IN DISGUISE.
Yeah, no just it turns out Alicia was even more of a psycho than Veronica. Then when we met Alicia in Mrs. T's house I was just thinking NOOO she comatosed her! good that she didn't. Dear Raziel, when they didn't find Alicia's remains I thought that meant she was alive, so I had the natural reaction, I freaked out. And then when they were like oh your cousin's in your room, I thought it was Alicia and I was just thinking don't GO IN THERE. But nope it's just Zoe and I can predict from here that she's going to be trouble.
Remember when Lia took those pictures of Jill? I thought that would come back to bite them but it didn't...
I would rate this book an 8/10 stars it was pretty good.
The dual POV was interesting and annoying at the same time. As soon as they mentioned that the cufflinks and how expensive they were I Was like, he's going to sell them. Yep he did. Zoe sounds cute and annoying at the same time, like it's cute how she looks up to Sydney.
Then we finally hear from Lissa when she's not he phone with Adrian but all the talking to Lissa is really short which disappointed me.
"I'd just kinda hoped you'd learn it from a real guy." Haha Trey.
When Adrian sold the cufflinks I thought he wasn't going to get them back but he did, barely.
... Which is how we ended up kissing and rolling around on the floor again. Haha I'm glad Adrian was able to get over Rose.
Haha Trey is jealous of Angeline and Neil.
'It's amazing how nice people can be if they think you're going to die.' one of the best first lines in a chapter I've ever read.
I was happy when Lissa and Sydney finally talked if even for a brief period of time.
Treejitsu 😂
I thought Eddie was going to die in that fight against the Stigoi but luckily he didn't, I'm constantly worrying for people's lives here.
When Eddie showed up looking ravaged I was like WHO WAS TAKEN JILL OR SYDNEY?
Yeah I found out it was Sydney as soon as we went to Sydney POV.
I felt bad for Adrian and Sydney but I was happy to hear that Lissa could finally dream walk, lol yeah that's what I was thinking about in this part of the book. That and in the next book somebody better kick the alchemist's arses.
8.7/10 stars.
YES! I just finished this book an hour ago since I was working on my fifth blog all day yesterday.
My first initial thoughts on this is Why doesn't Sydney pretend to be better so she can get out? which is what she finally decides to do.
I also felt really bad for Hopper because he was stuck in his gold form until they got Sydney back.
Okay I already wanted to kill Sydney's history or whatever teacher when he was like Oh yeah obviously the Guardians don't care about us because they aren't out killing strigoi. UH HELLO MOROI NEED PROTECTION AND NO WONDER THEY AREN'T PROTECTING YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE UNGRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING THEY'RE DOING FOR YOU. Then they ACCUSED MOROI OF HELPING THE STRIGOI and I just totally lost my head there. AND THEN they have the nerve to say Moroi aren't strong willed and I was like UH HELLO HAVE YOU MET CHRISTIAN OZERA AND LISSA DRAGOMIR? OH WAIT YOU HAVEN'T BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Yeah didn't tal them insulting the Moroi and Dhampirs very well to say the least.
I thought it was kinda lame of Adrian to just leave without saying goodbye to anyone but then he went to see Lissa and Rose so it was okay. BUT then he yelled at Lissa and I could SEE Lissa's point so I was mad at Adrian for that.
I was laughing at Hope when she got told off for being like Oh Sydney is such a horrible person.
Then Adrian totally humiliated Wesley so I felt very satisfied with that.
Then it turns out Emma isn't little miss perfect and she helps Sydney out which I really liked because they all ended up teaming together.
Adrian was really annoying with all his getting drunk and stuff with Nina and then he got pissed at Sonya for saying back off about Nina, but then he got his karma for that when Nina got pissed at him for rejecting her so it's okay.
He finally got around to trying to contact Sydney and I loved that talk, it was just touching how they FINALLY got to see each other.
I decided even though Angeline has been pretty annoying in these books that she's better in this book and her and Trey together is really cute.
Are Marcus and Carly going to be a thing? he seemed to like her when he met her.
"Idaho's the gem state, not the potato state." Lol
I liked that Marcus and Adrian were working together to save Sydney even though they don't exactly get along.
When Trey said he was going to go and save Sydney for them I was afraid he was going to die, same will Eddie.
I'm still curious who that blonde with the glasses was that came around looking Adrian and Sydney was.
Ugh Duncan was being so annoying when he wouldn't help Adrian and Marcus by telling them what he knew.
I already guessed that Chantel was probably in the same area where Sydney was and I think she's probably a magic user.
The whole escaping from the casino was awesome, like the SUV blowing up and all. When they were escaping I was just like Why don't they go to court? The Alchemists would never go there, and eventually they finally do. Then they got married in Las Vegas and it was SO cute.
Okay Sheridan really got on my nerves in this book, she was so annoying, wasn't she?
Then I presume the alchemists took Jill, SOMEONE BETTER FREAKING GET HER BACK IN THE NEXT BOOK.