Lia is a good protagonist. Sure, she did a few things I didn't approve of, especially *cough* messing with someone's feelings. But mostly Lia is a protagonist that I like and respect. She courageous and clever. I really enjoyed reading the book from her perspective. This book is a lot like the last book when it comes to the perspective/ point of views/ narration of the story. The main point of view is Lia's but occasionally it shows Kaden and Rafe's perspective.
I like both boys. Though, I'd be lying if I said I didn't favor one. And yes, I favor Kaden. Rate/Jaxton is a good guy but I just feel more for Kaden. He has a more interesting back story and he's sweet. Y'all must think I'm crazy, calling the assassin sweeter than the prince. He's sacrificed so much for Lia. You could argue so has Rafe and yeah, both boys have sacrificed a lot. But Kaden.... I don't know, I just prefer him. Both Kaden and Rafe are expect fighters. It's always fun to see the two of them fight. Kaden, one of the best assassin's there is and Rafe, the well trained crown prince. Their log fight in Kiss of Deception was one of my favorite parts. There is another fight between the two in this book and it was equally as exciting.
I found Kaden and Rafe's mutual dislike of each other amusing. Though, Kaden does have the upper hand in this book since they're in his hometown slash homeland. And Kaden is the Komizar's Assassin, second most powerful figure in Venda.
Speaking of the Komizar, let's talk about what I think about him. I found his character fascinating. He's a brilliant evil bastard. A lot younger than I thought, but he's still quite interesting. He knows just what to do to get under Lia's skin. I found him interesting but very very angering. Like, I was hoping for a cruel death for him the entire book. His evil needs to be ended.
Oh, I also just remembered that Pauline has a few point of views in this story too. They shed some light on some... interesting subjects.
Kaden: I never liked you.
Rafe: I'm wounded.
Haha, the dislike and drama between these two boys was priceless.
The Heart of Betrayal was and is an intensely fun and intriguing read. If you enjoyed Kiss of Deception, why haven't you picked this book up yet? Why?
8/10 stars. This book is fantastical.
I'm confused, how could the Vendan's have gotten Walther's sword and stuff. I'm pretty sure I remember her burying his sword and stuff with him...
I actually guessed from very early on in the book that Kaden was not actually Vendan. It hints very subtly towards it when it says he has other reasons to despise the gift and that he was the one who taught the Komizar Morrighese.
Yeah, if I was Lia I'd be pretty pissed at both Kaden and Rafe for lying to me. Rafe because it seems like he was using Lia and Kaden, well, I don't really need to explain her anger at Kaden. He did kidnap her. Though, he told her it was because he couldn't kill her, which I thought was pretty cute. Yeah, books have a way of messing up normal people's versions of cute.
Okay, I get that Jezelia always seemed to fit Lia more but personally I like the name Arabella more.
When Kaden said "She'll stay in my quarters." I started laughing because, oh, Rafe must really be loving that. And then the Komizar had Lia choose between Rafe and Kaden which was a very smart move. He's a cunning guy or should I say he was a cunning guy? And then Lia kissed Kaden in front of everyone. aha. Rafe must've really wanted to kill Kaden.
This whole book I felt so bad for Kaden. He's made his feelings for Lia evident and she uses it against him. How could she do that? It's just cruel and that was my only problem with Lia in this book, Her using Kaden's feelings against him. It really pissed me off. Especially when he told her about his vision of the two of them and she used that against him, too. I really wanted to punch that girl in the face.
But when it was revealed Kaden had the gift I was like WTF?! Really?! Mary E. Pearson couldn't help but slip in that plot twist. These books always have good plot twists, (haha I say that after reading two books) okay the reveal that Kaden was the assassin and Rafe the prince was hinted at and rereading the book I could see it but it was still bit confusing but I still count that as a good plot twist.
Pauline's point of view opened up an interesting question in my head. Is Lia's mom evil and or up to something ? I have a feeling this will come into play later in the book but for now... I really want to know what's up with her mom.
Kaden and Rafe fighting shoulder to shoulder was slash is revolutionary. It's amazing that they're fighting together.
My biggest question for the next book is WHAT THE EF HAPPENED TO KADEN?!!!! He better be okay. But of course he's not fully okay, he knows Lia's been playing and betraying him the entire time... Poor Kaden. I hope he doesn't turn on Lia and hate her...
I seriously can't wait for the next book.