It was a bit of a painful read, seeing as Luka isn't falling for Yael, he's falling for Adele. Still, definitely worth the read because it's set in this world with these characters! How could you not read every last word dedicated to them?
I enjoyed this novella. It was adorable seeing Luka turn into this little puppy falling in love, and then horrible seeing him hurt. Seriously, it was leading up to the betrayal moment and I silently wished for it not to happen while also silently rooted for it to occur. Why these warring thoughts? Because if the betrayal never happened Luka would never have been hurt, and I never want to see my precious baby hurt, but if it had never happened, Luka also probably would have never fallen for Yael for a lot of reasons including the fact that Adele would have not won so Yael could never enter the race and also that Luka would still be in love with Adele, which would be inconvenient seeing as he absolutely must be in love with Yael.
After reading this book, I just need more closure with Yael and Felix... and a Wolf by Wolf from Luka's POV. That's not too much to ask for, right? Haha. Ryan, if you're reading this, please, I need more Luka Lowe. Give me a Wolf by Wolf from Luka! I'll buy all the copies if necessary to pay you the adequate amount. Haha. Well, I'd give Iron to Iron 8/10 stars. It was a fun read, of course it wasn't as good as the actual books in the series, though.