Spoilers below
So like I said before on my other review, I wasn't Willem's biggest fan. Though, this book made me like him, a little bit more. I felt kind of bad for him, how he got a concussion and couldn't find Lulu. Like the last book I really liked how his relationships grew, especially with his mom, though I was a little disappointed when he said he wasn't going to go live with her.
So Willem wakes up and can't exactly remember where Lulu is. I was kind of hoping it would be like a 'I can remember her smile and blah blah but can't exactly remember her' story. But I guess that would ruin the whole point of him looking for her.
The whole memory thing makes me interested and pissed at the same time. Like with Ruby and Liam, I was really interested with watching Liam struggle with his memories, and I feel like it would be kind of that way with June and Day. Ugh I hated the ending of Champion.
So the last book, Just One Night comes out in 4 days, I don't think I'll be reading it the same day it comes out.
I know a lot of people liked this book, but I just didn't feel especially attached to any of the characters. When I read a book, one of the things that makes me like it is if I can relate or at least feel attached to some of the characters. Sometimes it takes more than one book which is why I read this book, but I still don't feel the attachment. It was an OKAY book.
I did like how Willem went and SEARCHED for Lulu, he didn't just give up immediately. And when he did give up, he was still searching. I honestly thought that in Just One Day, somehow Allyson had gotten prego because of how she was feeling, and the was one of the reasons she had to hunt Willem down, because she was carrying his child. I think that would be interesting, lol.
I loved how he went to Mexico to look for her, but never seemed to be in the right place at the right time. That also irritated me. There are only so many times that can happen before I get bored. I was like JUST MEET ALREADY by the end. There were some inspirational quotes that I liked in this book.