The story follows Mia, who has been crushing on soccer star Vince since about forever. Her best friend, Robyn runs a matchmaking business which has stellar results. Since Robyn refuses to help Mia out, she decides to take matters in her own hands in order to get her one true love to finally notice her... Only things don't go as planned, especially when a big wrench otherwise known as Logan gets thrown into said plans. Logan has been Mia's nemesis for so long that she never really bothered to notice him. Only now she's starting to...
As you can see, the synopsis of this novel sets up a pretty obvious storyline. Sure, it sounds dumb and cliche but if you know me, you know that I can be a real sucker for dumb and cliche romances. You know, I'd be willing to overlook the ridiculous idea that a high schooler ran a matchmaking business if it lead to a swoonworthy romance or at least a fun storyline. Instead, this book fell flat. Mia's character just irked me. Basically every single decision she makes throughout the story is a horrible one. First of all, betraying/ going behind a best friend's back to mess with their business? Just no. And then there's the whole romance(s) going on within the novel. I'm not actually going to address that irritation up here, but wow. So many choices made in here were very, very ANNOYING. Not just Mia, but seriously, people in this novel are very aggravating, not to mention horrendous friends to each other. I just really didn't appreciate the directions multiple of the characters went in. It all just seemed extremely petty and immature, and not in the fun, enjoyable way to read.
The main romantic interest's interactions with Mia were kind of fun, but nothing spectacular or new. I did enjoy a bit of the banter, but nothing stands out in my mind many months later. Honestly, nothing particularly great stands out to me about this novel many months later, just all the irritating things-- which is why this might seem like more of a rant review. Sorry about that. Overall, this novel wasn't ALL that horrible, but it was in no ways great, or even really all that good either. I would probably give the book 6/10 stars. It wasn't anything new, and nothing about it gave me the adorable butterflies that I want from a cutesy contemporary. Instead I just found myself getting annoyed more often than not. Not a big recommendation from me.
Mia's best friend Robyn is known for her matchmaking skills, which is perfect, because homecoming is just around the corner. But Robyn refuses to set Mia up with the guy of her dreams, which forces Mia to take matters into her own hands. She uses Robyn's matchmaking service to make sure popular Vince Demetrius falls for her.
Vince asks her out, but Mia doesn't count on Logan, the persistent school newspaper photographer who seems to like her out of the blue. Now she has to choose between Vince - the guy she knows is right for her - and Logan, who insists that she give him a chance. And she needs to make sure Robyn doesn't find out that Mia's been matchmaking behind her back.
Mia has two weeks before homecoming. Can she fix the mess she made or will she have to kiss her perfect match goodbye forever?
So Vince was never a real romance option. Ever, which irked me because Mia never even really gave him a chance even though she was the one messing around with him in the first place. UGH. I was expecting him to have more of a chance/ be more of a prominent interest, and was disappointed in the route taken there.
And don't even get me started on Elena. Overdramatic. All around bitch, honestly deserves no redemption or forgiveness in my eyes. Like I don't actually remember what she did but seriously I remember it wasn't really worth forgiving her for whatever it was, or whatever shoddy apology she gave. I very clearly remember her pulling a fire alarm just for the fun of being dramatic though, so that's annoying-- she's a child who never thinks of consequences. Wow. Wonder how many times I've said annoying in this review. Sorry!
Thanks for reading,