Split Second by Kasie West 8/10 stars I absolutely loved this book! It was the perfect sequel to Pivot Point and I highly recommend all of Kasie West's books to you! My Life With The Walter Boys by Ali Novak 9.5/10 stars This book is one of my all time favorite contemporaries and took quite a bit of time for me to get over! After reading this I checked out Ali on Wattled and completely fell in love with her other books. I'm really hoping she finds a publisher for The Love Song! I was really into that story. I also can't wait for the sequel! I need more Cole. Most Coles I meet in fictional places are pretty awesome I mean, Cole Stewart, Cole Walter, Kol Mikaelson (though I want to dagger him for what he did to Rebekah at the mo) and others I can't remember at the moment! GO READ THIS BOOK IT'S AMAZING!!! |
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa 8/10 This is a long review coming soon. I read this book in less than a day it was great. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han 8/10 fun romance, really. Though Conrad is my usually choice, the dark brooding damaged one, I preferred Jeremiah! He was such a sweet heart! This is the second Jenny Han Book I've read and I was not disappointed. Can't wait to read the next two. |
The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima 8/10 Wow I've been giving a majority of things 8/10. Guess this batch of books was just a good choice. The Warrior Heir was exciting though, I could see pretty much all of the plot twists coming from many chapters away, but that's just because I know what to look for, I guess. I highly recommend this book, it might take a while to get into since the beginning is kinda confusing but read it anyway! |
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray 7/10 dang it, I broke the 8/10 streak. This book had a seriously confusing beginning but I got more into it. Guys, I read it in literally one sitting. I really liked Theo, Paul was a bit more of a mystery, though I really like those too. I saw the 'big' plot twist coming at the end though so.. This series looks promising |