I enjoyed a lot of elements of the show. There was just one thing I really didn't like about how everything was introduced *spoiler* they kind of skip over Clary's emotions about finding out she's an entire other species than the one she grew up being in. In the book, she's at least incredulous and accusing Jace of being crazy for a little longer. In the show she just like accepts it and literally a minute later she's explaining to Simom as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I just really wish they'd go over that more. Sure, the whole thing in the books is she's thrown into this world she doesn't understand, but show Clary really accepts it almost immediately. If I could change one thing about this entire show so far, I would change Clary's reactions and emotions over finding out she's a Shadowhunter. *spoiler over*
Something I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be upset over is the special effects. Personally, I'm not going to take any points off the show for its special effects. I mean, come on, it's a show on abc- excuse me, free form, what did you expect? Also, I saw the seven minute clip online and the special effects as well as how the demons looked already a sucked so I was expecting it. You have to set your standards high for somethings but lower them for others.
I'm nervous about Jace and Clary's relationship. It seems to be progressing unnaturally fast. I mean, by episode two Izzy is already remarking how "good of a team" they make. For those of you who don't regularly read my blog, you should know, I absolutely hate insta love. I don't want a romance between one of my favorite ships to be shown as insta love. Nope nope nope. Don't mess up Clace, not again.
My absolute favorite thing about this show remains to be the cast. I think the characters were casted almost perfectly. The casting of Emeraude Toubia as Izzy? Perfection. She looks exactly as I imagined her and I love the attitude she adds to my favorite character. Matthew Daddario as Alec Lightwood? Absolute perfection. For one, he's adorably attractive and two he brings a great humor to the character. A great line I literally just heard from him is "Where is it going?" It, of course, being Simon. Matt makes Alec's stuck-up-ness hilarious as well as endearing. Actually, I might just find him endearing because I really love Alexander Lightwood's character.
Oh my gosh, I'm writing this as I'm watching episode two and they just revealed something really big- that wasn't revealed until the end of the book. That kind of annoyed me. I guess they have to speed everything along- since they only have 13 episodes but something that's really going to screw this show over is going to be rushing the story. I can already tell they're very different from the plot of he book, but as long as the show writers don't change anything major, I'll try to be okay with it. I'm being very lenient with this show just because of how badly I want it to work out. Not a lot of series get a second chance, the Mortal Instruments did and I really want to see this book series flourish.
Anyway, I need to go to bed like now so I'll maybe write a post on the characters of this show later but here's what I think of the show. It shows good potential and as long as the story doesn't feel overly rushed, I think it has a good chance of having a second season.