Okay so like I said before, I like Cassie best, though Evan is pretty awesome. From the whole second part, I could GUESS it was Ben. ESPECIALLY after he said he played football, I was like BEN! So at the end of that part I wasn't surprised. I'm not sure how I really feel about Ben, he kinda annoyed me. But I loved at the end, when BOTH Ben and Cassie went to get Sammy. I've been waiting ever since Part II for them to meet. It took them long enough!!!! But I love how Cassie's like Ben??? and he's like Who the hell are you? Then when she's like, do you remember the babies? And Ben is like "I really have no idea what you're talking about."
So do you guys like BenxCassie or EvanxCassie better? I'm kind of leaning towards Evan. I mean he did save her life.... After shooting her and almost killing her.
I GUESSED Evan was the Silencer BEFORE Cassie figured it out. Like this book didn't give me a lot of surprises. I LIKE Plot twists that come out of no where though. Except for like, if Jace dies of food poisoning in City of Heavenly Fire. I will NOT like that. Cassie will have a horde of fangirls after her if that happened too.
Anyway back on the topic. It was pretty confusing with at one moment Cassie's bleeding to death under a car and the next she's having a flash back, no warnings. So yeah I found that confusing.
There were some good lines in this book though. If you didn't know this about me, I love the meaningful quotes over the funny ones.
like my friends will be like 'Shadowhunters looking better in black than the widows of our enemies since 1234' (I love that quote)
And I'll just be like "But I watch my brothers give their hearts away and I think, don't you know better? Hearts are breakable. And I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before." Yeah that's my favorite quote. Anyway this book has some really good quotes in it, like
"You can only call someone crazy if there's someone else who's normal. Like good and evil. If everything's good, then nothing would be good."
"If you can't trust anyone, then you can trust no one."
"You can't band together to fight without trust. And without trust, there was no hope."
"And if this is humanity's last war, then I am the battlefield."
"God doesn't call the equipped, son. God equips the called. And you gave been called." (I'm not religious but I still like this quote)
"In the end it wouldn't be the lucky ones left standing."
"Cruelty isn't a personality trait. Cruelty is a habit."
"You can't force yourself to trust. So you put all your doubts in a little box and bury it deep and then try to forget where you buried it."
"We're here, and then we're gone, and it's not about the time we're here, but what we do with the time."
So What did you guys think of this book? Sorry if you did like it, I just wasn't really into it. I love those romances with those insufferable boys (Jace, Daemon, Will, Nine, etc.)
I was really suspicious about them only taking the kids but not Cassie.
Do any of you guys feel really bad for Crisco, I mean something really bad must have happened to make him such a creep. I wasn't especially sad when Cassie's mother died. We just didn't really know her at all. When Cassie's dad died, I felt kinda sad. but not really. Like this book it doesn't give you enough time to get attached to anyone really before they die.
ACTUALLY if Evan is dead. NO I will probably stop reading this. Probably. Also I would be really upset if Sammy died. I was so expecting him to die though, so..... You know another (SPOILERS TO MOCKINGJAY) Prim thing.
I hated how they called Ben Zombie. It just bothered the hell out of me. the names are so retarded. they drove me crazy. Like in Never Fade they have Code names, that's okay, but in this, it's their NAME. It drives me crazy.
The whole thing about Evan taking over Even? That was kinda sad. I am kinda (There I say it again) hoping for a romance between Evan and Cassie, maybe something like the Daemon and Katy thing? Sorry I am still obsessed with them. I don't exactly care either way yet, I just know I don't want Evan to die.
I love the whole thing with bear. "Shut up bear. Who are you looking at bear?" Lol. She talked to the bear like it was a companion.
There were a few funny parts, just not too funny.
This isn't one of my favorite books, but I'm going to continue the series.